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My mom requested that I do Channing Tatum as an entry in the Hall of Hotties McDotties, and I’m nothing if not a dutiful daughter.  He wasn’t on my original list of Hottie McDotties (he’s a bit too “all-American boy” for my tastes), but it’s certainly not difficult to look at him.  Besides, with his new film Dear John in theaters soon (I thought it came out tomorrow, but apparently I’m going to have to endure those painful TV spots for at least another week), I’m sure to get some extra blog hits.  Hopefully.  Anywho, Channing had a pretty big year last year, what with Fighting, G.I. Joe, a cameo in Public Enemies, and his wedding to Step Up co-star Jenna Dewan (yep, sorry Mom.  He’s taken).  This year, besides Dear John, he’s got the Gladiator-esque The Eagle of the Ninth coming out, and tons of filming to do.  His filmography isn’t overly impressive, but he rose to stardom very quickly, and with his looks and his physical skills (dancing and fighting and all that), he’s basically guaranteed film roles for a while.  I think he’s likable enough, and I hope we can see him in some more challenging roles, of the non-“I’m going to punch you/challenge you to a dance off/stare dreamily into your eyes” variety.

Why He’s More Than Just Eye Candy: He’s really athletic.  He played football in high school (which was actually a military school), and got a full athletic scholarship to a college in West Virginia.  He’s also earned belts in Kung Fu and in Gor-Chor Kung Fu (yes, sounds impressive, whatever it is).  After school, he worked as a construction worker, mortgage broker, and salesman.  Then he began his modeling career, which led to film roles.  So he’s nothing if not a man of many talents.

Per the usual, more pictures after the jump. Read the rest of this entry »

The Baby Website, which I would have never visited were it not for a link on Jezebel, has written a list of the Top 20 Mom Sayings.  The list is behind the cut (and the commentary is mine).

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justin2I told my mom that she could pick today’s Hottie McDottie, because it’s Mother’s Day.  She picked Justin Chambers, who plays Dr. Alex Karev on Grey’s Anatomy, one of her favorite television shows.  He was relatively unknown before Grey’s Anatomy, but he did appear in the films The Musketeer and The Wedding Planner.  He also worked as a model prior to his acting career.  Also, a tidbit that I doubt my mom knows, but am sure she would find interesting:  he has a twin brother named Jason.

Why He’s More Than Just Eye Candy:  My mom told me that she likes him because he is a dedicated family man, having five children with his wife Keisha Chambers.  She also thinks that he is a great actor because he makes her love his character, Alex Karev, on Grey’s despite the fact that Alex can sometimes be a huge jerk.  She says that the character has changed so distinctly on the show, and that he’s done a great job of portraying that change.

justin chambers from grey's anatomy-ccJustin-justin-chambers-271139_483_660











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FIVE total pictures today, for my mom.  And happy Mother’s Day!


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